Student Advisory Council

2023-24 Software Engineering Student Advisory Committee

L to R: Nick Thomas, Elmin Didic, Patrick Demers, Analyn Seeman, Nedim Hodzic, Lewis Callaway, Sami Bensellam and Samuel Schroeder


The Software Engineering Student Advisory Council (SE SAC) serves as the bridge between the Software Engineering students and the Software Engineering Program. Council members meet on a regular basis to discuss student issues and concerns and to provide valuable feedback regarding the program curriculum, resources and services. Input from the council is conveyed to the Professor-in-Charge, faculty, staff, and the External Advisory Council (EAC), with the intention of providing continuous program improvement.

Council Responsibilities

The council is responsible for duties such as the following:

  1. Meeting with the Professor-in-Charge at least once a semester.
  2. Participate in Software Engineering Curriculum meetings.
  3. Participate in Software Engineering External Advisory Council Meetings.
  4. Organize student town-hall meetings once a semester to gain feedback from students about the program and to inform students about upcoming changes in the program/curriculum.
  5. Organize faculty town-hall meetings once a semester to inform faculty of student feedback about the program.

Council Membership Goals

  • Must have completed at least two semesters in SE before the start of the appointment.
  • Must maintain a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA.
  • Ideal SE SAC representation will include at least two sophomores, two juniors, and two seniors at the beginning of each Fall semester.

Student Advisory Council Members:

  • Samuel Craft
  • Jashwanth Komanabelli
  • Samuel Schroeder
  • Analyn Seeman
  • Phuong Tran
  • Julia Young

To contact the SE SAC with comments, concerns or feedback email them at