SE Student Spotlight – Nedim Hodzic


What influenced your decision to choose Software Engineering? Tell us a little bit about your path getting here.

As a kid, I loved video games and I still do so that was a huge factor. I first wanted to be a game developer but as I grew older I started to step away from that. The thing that kept me interested was the problem-solving of coding. I have always been good at solving problems and I find it really satisfying when I find the solution to a difficult problem.

Where is your “hometown”? Fun fact about home?

I was originally from Des Moines, IA but I moved to Waukee before middle school. A fun fact about my hometown would be that we won state swim three years in a row.

“My advice is to not give up. Software Engineering can be hard at times especially at the start when you take the engineering core classes and it seems like there is no point in taking them. Just keep going because it will definitely be worth it in the end.” – Nedim Hodzic

What are you involved in at the university?

I am involved in lots of intramural sports. Last year I did football, indoor volleyball, basketball, and soccer. I am also in the Gaming and E-Sports club.

What was your favorite part of student life? And why?

My favorite part of student life is the freedom – you get the freedom to make your own choices. I also like the social aspect. I love going to events and hanging out with friends on and off campus.

Who has had the biggest impact on you and why?

My parents have had the biggest impact on me. Growing up they were always hard workers and that is something that rubbed off on me. They also pushed me to try and be the best at everything that I do and without them I would not be in the position I am now.

Have you had an internship/job? What did you like most about your role?

Currently I am working in a part-time student position in Software/Data Engineering with John Deere. I started in April and I plan to continue working with them through the school year. One of the tasks I got assigned was to migrate CI/CD workflows from Jenkins to GitHub actions. I had a lot of fun doing this and it was cool to learn about the SE cycle and how pipelines work. Another thing I like about my job at John Deere is how open and welcoming everyone is. Everyone I have talked to including some higher-ups made me really feel like I belong at John Deere.

If you could give an incoming SE Program student advice, what would it be?

My advice is to not give up. Software Engineering can be hard at times especially at the start when you take the engineering core classes and it seems like there is no point in taking them. Just keep going because it will definitely be worth it in the end.

What’s one random fun fact about yourself you’d be willing to share?

I have broken my right wrist two times in different ways.